(Лукьянчук) Посібник з методики англ

Тема: Shopping

  • Практична мета: розвинути мовленнєву компетенцію учнів на понадфразовому рівні.

      1. Controlled practice.

    1. 1. Warm-up.

    • Stand up! Are you ready for the lesson?

    • Let’s start our English lesson!

    • Hello, children! How are you?

    • I’m fine, thank you!

    • I’m glad to see you!

    • Take your seats, please.

    • Children! Today we are going to the shop where you can buy clothes. During our walk we’ll repeat all the words, do different tasks, play games. Choose the kind of transport, please. Let’s remember what we know.

    1. (The teacher shows the pictures with different means of transport, and children name them in English).

    2. 2. Answer the questions.

    • What is this? Who wants to go by …?

    • I think we’ll go by bus. We need tickets for it.

    • You’ll get them, when you answer the following questions:

    • What season is it now?

    • What month is it now?

    • What day is it now?

    • How do you like the weather today?

    • Is it cold today?

    • Is it a hot day?

    • Is it dry today?

    • Is it wet today?

    1. (The children answer the questions and get the tickets of different colour).

    1. Sing together

    1. Now we can go. Take your seats. Sit straight. Let’s go! To make our travelling more pleasant, let’s sing a song “My Family”.

    2. My Family

    3. Come and see my father and my mother,

    4. Come and see my sister and my brother,

    5. Come and see my family, come and see me!

    6. Come and see my grandfather and grandmother,

    7. Come and see my uncle and my aunt.

    8. Come and see my cousin, come and see me!

    1. Revise the new words

    1. We are going shopping. So we have to revise some names of clothes. Tell me please, what’s this?

    2. (The children name the object that the teacher shows.)

      1. Guided practice.

      1. Make up a sentence on the basis of the cards

    1. Children, we have a little problem with our bus. We have to do the following task and our bus will go further. You have got tickets, show me them, please. Your tickets are different. Children with yellow tickets take your seats here. Children with red tickets, take your seats here. Children with green tickets, take your seats here, please. Thus, we have three groups. I’ll give you the cards with some words. You have to arrange them in the right order to make the sentences and read them in class.

      1. Listen and guess

    1. Look! Here are our friends: Helen, Adam and Sally. They have just left the shop. They have already bought something and they want to tell you about it. Listen to them very attentively to understand them better.

    2. Adam: I’ve bought trousers, a shirt and a big hat. I’ll be a cowboy.

    3. Sally: I’ve bought a white dress and white shoes. I’ll be a nurse.

    4. Helen: I’ve bought a red and white T-shirt and a hat. I’ll be a pirate.

      1. Free practice.

              1. Role play

    1. Let’s buy something for us. This is our shop, but I cannot see a shop-keeper here. So let us play a shop-game. One of you will be a shop-keeper and the rest of you will buy different things. (Children make up dialogues and buy clothes. They come up to the blackboard and say what they have already bought at the shop).

              1. Tell us about your visit to the shop