ПРАКТИКУМ з методики

Grammar activities

    1. Look at the pairs of sentences. One of them has a mistake. Choose the correct sentence.

    2. Here are the answers to some questions. Write the questions.

    3. Put the words in order to make up a question and write true answers about you.

    4. Match the two parts of sentences (e.g. If …, will, if…, would).

    5. Match a line in A with a line in B to make a question (a sentence).

    6. Match a question in A with an answer in B.

    7. Miming game. Mime the action written on the card. The rest of the group try to guess what your group-mate can do/is doing/was doing at … o’clock yesterday/does every day/did yesterday.

    8. Find someone in your group who has ever…/can … . Report back to the class.

    9. Interview your group-mates and fill in the chart.

    10. Guessing game. Try to guess what there is in the box/what N. did yesterday /what N. will do during holidays (at the weekend).

    11. Compare the two pictures. Find the differences between them (there is/are, he likes/doesn’t like).

    12. Look at the picture. Write questions and answers about what people are doing/can do/did yesterday/do every day.

    13. Correct the factual mistakes (e.g.- There is a cat in the picture. - Oh, no …).

    14. Jigsaw activity. You will get some information about … . But you don’t have the same information as your partner. Ask and answer the questions to complete the information.

    15. Jigsaw activity. Ask your teacher questions about the gaps in the following text. Write the replies the teacher gives you to complete the story.

Exercise 1. Match the words in A and B to complete the commands:



Let’s make






the following sentences negative

sententences by analogy

the right form of the verb in the sentence

if everything is correct

the rule

full/short answers to the questions