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Reading activities

    1. Predict the events of the story by its title.

    2. Look at the words from the story. What the story may be about? Make up your story then read and compare.

    3. Read the text quickly. Mach the headings to the paragraphs.

    4. Read and mark the sentences as true or false.

    5. Which of these sentences is true? Explain why.

    6. Choose the best answer.

    7. Match the questions with the answers.

    8. Arrange the pictures/sentences in the order of the story.

    9. Complete the sentences.

    10. Read the text and fill in the gaps.

    11. Find lines in the text which mean the same as the following … .

    12. Read the interview. Complete the interviewer’s questions.

    13. Listen to the statements about the story. Agree or disagree with them. But don’t say Yes or No. Use formulars of agreement and disagreement. If you say Yes or No, you lose.

    14. Jigsaw reading. Work in two groups. Group 1, read text A, group 2, read text B. Answer the questions in pairs. Compare your answers.

    15. You will hear some sentences about the story. Correct the mistakes.

    16. Match these phrases to the text. Where exactly does each phrase go in the story?

    17. Who says these words?

    18. Correct the mistakes in the summary.

    19. Read the story. Is it in the same order as the pictures?

    20. Find in the text the episode when … . Read it aloud. Follow N.’s reading, at my signal be ready to translate the last sentence.

    21. Before we retell the story let’s find and read out the words and word combinations in the text which you can use in your speech.

    22. Retell the text as if you were … .

    23. Retell the text and include three lies into it. The group should find the lies.

    24. You have … minutes to retell the text. Your group-mates’ task is to interrupt you as often as possible with questions about the story. If you manage to retell the text up to the end, you are the winner. If not, the group-mates win.

    25. Continue the story.

    26. Listen to the radio story. Then read the story. What do you learn from the story that you didn’t from the radio?

Exercise 1. Match the words in A and B to complete the commands:




Don't translate


Tell the story you have read

Guess the meaning of these words


Before you read the passage,



look at the questions below it

in your own words

the text silently

the events of the story by its title

your own title for the story

the mistakes in the summary

word for word

from the context

the right statement