Последний Оригинал

4.2. План урока на английском языке

Teaching Practice № _______________Date: ________________Time: _____________min

English Lesson Plan ______________, class _______________, school _______________

Student’s Name: __________________________________ Tutor name: __________________________

Lesson Topic __________________________________________________________________________

Lesson Type: _____________________________________ (i. e. reading / speaking / listening / writing // lexis / grammar)

Communicative aim ____________________________________________________ (i.e. telling stories / listening for gist…)

Language Focus __________________(i. e. sense verbs / descriptive adjectives / Present Continuous for future arrangements)

Lexis ______________________________________________________________________ (list of words and expressions)

Personal Aims _______________________________________________________ (i. e. keep the pace brisk (don’t explain ->elicit) / Reduce TTT1(don’t repeat pls’ answers / get time for feedback and delayed correction…)

Materials _________________________________ (i. e. TOTAL ENGLISH Pre-Intermediate, Richard Acklam, Araminta Crace, Longman, 2005, p. 31,)

Anticipated Problems and Solutions





immediately / suddenly

obviously / naturally

Distinguish the meaning using pictures, concept check questions

Classroom management

1) Dealing with pupils who are bored

2) There are not enough copies

Give them extra tasks

set pairwork


Error correction after freer practice

Record typical errors, then let the pupils correct themselves, if they can’t ask the class

Stage Time/ Aims/






1) 9:00


Teacher – pupils (tch – pls)

1–2 min

1) Good morning!

2) How are you?

3) Are you ready for the lesson?

4) Who is absent?

5) What’s the date / day today?

the …th of September,


1) Good morning!

2) How are you?

3) Yes we are!

4) X is absent.

5) It’s the …th of September, Wednesday

2) 9:02

Pronunciation warm-up

Tch – pls

2–3 min

Let’s start with pronunciation warm-up!

Listen and repeat!

(the list of last lesson lexis that caused pronunciation problems)

Could be written on the board before the lesson!

Pupils (pls.) repeat in chorus

Keep an ear on weaker pupils!

3) 9:05


Tch – pls

5–10 min

What was your homework (HW)?

Did you have any problems?

Let’s check!

Invite pls to read the HW, if there are problems / mistakes, encourage peer-explanation / correction – Does everyone agree?

Who can explain?

Problems could be written on the board

Pls. read their homework one after another

Course book page (p.) …

exercise (ex.) …

Possible problems …

Possible solutions …

Keep an eye on the following pls …. (names)

4) 9:15


– to prepare pls for the topic to come,

– to pre-teach vocab

Tch. – pls.

2–3 min

Tell a short story about myself using the target language / encourage pls to ask me questions / contextualise the target language.

Draw pictures or visualise the target language other way.

Pls. listen and ask questions.

No correction at this stage or encourage self-/peer-correction

5) 9:18



gist task – to make pls predict what they are going to hear/read

pls.– pls.

5–7 min

1) Discuss in pairs:

– number of close friends you have

–changes in friendship in the last .. years

– computers’ effect on friendship

2) How many questions are you going to discuss?

P. … ex. …


– number of close friends,

– changes in friendship in the last … years,

– computers’ effect on friendship.

1) Pair work

2)three questions

Course book p. … ex. …

Monitor and help if necessary, but DON’T INTERRUPT or CORRECT

Get feedback from 2–3 pls.

Get CD player ready if necessary.

6) 9:25

Listening / reading 1 – for the main idea

3 min

Open your books on page … ex. …

listen to the text / read the text for the first time to check your predictions.

Do not worry about any unknown words!

(Check answers in pairs

or check answers as a class)

P. … ex. …

Pls. first check answers in pairs then

…(name)… gives the answer …

Course book p… ex. …  / play the CD.

7) 9:28

Detailed Task – Teaching listening / reading for specific information

10–12 min

1) Ex. … read the task and try to do it by memory.

Check if the task is clear.

Now listen to the text / read the text for the second time to do the task.

Do the first together as an example, ask a stronger pl. (name).

2) Go through the answers, check understanding, asking Y/N questions clarifying the meaning.

i. e. You’ll probably only have about three close friends, as well as a few ‘semi-detached’ ones. Do I have semi-detached friends?

Drill pronunciation;

Elicit syntax function in the sentence (linking, addition).

Ex. ….

The answers ……………

1) Pls. do the task.

2) Check in pairs

Х gives the answer …


Course book p. … ex. …

Possible problems ………………….

Possible solutions …………………..

8) 9:40

Summarise the lesson

give HW

Today we have learned …………..(target language).

Names – You have worked very well.

Names – could have been better.

The homework – p… ex…

Prepare a story about…

That’s all for today!

Thank you!

Have a nice day!

See you!

The homework – р. … . ex. …

Pls. take notes.

Check that everyone takes notes correctly.